(Japanese version is following.)
Hello, I’m Masaya Aoyama (@amsy810) at CyberAgent, Inc (Ad-Technology Division).
Today, I’d like talk about CKAD! (My first english blog 🙂 )
CKAD is beta release now, so the contents are based on curriculam.
I have already passed Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) at #138, and CyberAgent has 13 CKA holders since I first passed the CKA!
And so, I took a exam “Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD)” today (4 hours ago) for BETA testing.
Maybe, I took a first exam in Japan!
The Battle Began at Early Mornig
CKAD is released at Apr 24 19:19 UTC (Apr 25 4:19 JST). My timezone is JST, so I received the e-mail at early morning… I got up and got up and got up…
Therefore, train and bus do not started moving, so I run and caught a taxi 🙂
First problem, CKAD registration link does not work.
@CloudNativeFdn Register for the CKAD exam does not work.
— Johann Helbling (@jhelblinghh) April 24, 2018
But @kaitlyn_barnard announce at Slack and Twitter to resolve the problem immediately. Thanks a lot and best regards!
Please try this link: https://t.co/0rrddVtXBk. Let me know if you have any further issues.
— Kaitlyn Barnard (@kaitlyn_barnard) April 24, 2018
So I can reserve the exam…?
BUT! We cannot reserve the CKAD exam before 24 hours…I forgot that. I have not waken up… I reserved schedule and went back home immediately ?
CKAD exam is Difficult?
My CKA exam has 4 hours for testing, but now CKA exam has 3 hours. But CKAD exam has only 2 hours for testing. It is easy for me to take a exam. The balance between the number of questions and time was good for me.
CKA (Certified Kubernetes Administrator) target
- For Kubernetes cluster administratior
- 3 hours and 24 questions (7.5min / question)
- Create simple API resource
- Contain cluster installation and so on
CKAD (Certified Kubernetes Application Developer) target
- For application developer with kubernetes platform
- 2 hours and 19 questions (6.3min / question)
- Create complex API resource (Can be guessed from curriculum)
The CKA exam curriculum includes several domain:
- Installation, Configuration & Validation 12%
- Core Concepts 19%
- Networking 11%
- Scheduling 5%
- Security 12%
- Cluster Maintenance 11%
- Logging / Monitoring 5%
- Storage 7%
- Troubleshooting 10%
The CKAD exam curriculum includes several domain:
- Core Concepts 13%
- Configuration 18%
- Multi-Container Pods 10%
- Observability 18%
- Pod Design 20%
- Services & Networking 13%
- State Persistence 8%
We need create YAML manifest in both exam, but CKAD is more practical than CKA. But CKA has cluster installation question, so CKA is more difficult for me.
If you want to get more detailed curriculum, please watch THIS.
And there are more information (exam tips and FAQ by CNCF).
At the CKAD/CKA exam, we cannot browse almost all web site. We can browse only “kubernetes.io” official documentations. So we cannot use original documentations. In the previous CKA exam, we can browse any documentations.
Candidates may use their Chrome or Chromium browser to open one additional tab in order to access assets on the kubernetes.io domain assets for reference during the exam. No other tabs may be opened, no other sites may be navigated to, and only kubernetes.io assets may be accessed. The allowed sites above may contain links that point to external sites. It is the responsibility of the candidate not to click on any links that cause them to navigate to a domain that is not allowed.
Maybe we can use favorite feature of Google Chrome. If you want, please prepare index.
My exam is passed?
I passed CKAD exam (CKAD-1800-0002-0100).
Maybe second in the world.
My Background with Kubernetes
My job is software engineer, system engineer and system architect.
We implemented GKE-like Container Platform “AKE(Adtech Container Engine)” by only 2 people on on-premise datacenter.
AKE is Kubernetes as a Service on OpenStack.
I implemented following for high performance networking on Ad-technology workloads,
- original baremetal hardware loadbalancer integration for “type: LoadBalancer”
- original GKE-like ingress controller
I spoke about AKE at Keynote Session on “Japan Container Days v18.04! “Japan Container Days” is first and the largest container conference in Japan. And it is organized by @szkn27. (I am also a member of Japan Container Days steering committee.)
If you are interested in AKE, please read following slides. (there are little english)
My hobby is Kubernetes! And I love Kubernetes now!
This Kubernetes cluster is really instagrammable!
And I will attend the KubeCon + CloudNativeCon 2018 EU and I organize a social gathering for Japanese!
Container technology is actively used even in Japan!
at KubeCon + CNCon 2017 EU Austion
See you later at KubeCon!
こんにちは。 サイバーエージェント adtech studio の青山真也 (@amsy810) です。
つい先程、申請していた CKAD (Certified Kubernetes Application Developer)のベータ試験に無事招待されたので、受けてきました。せっかくなのでなるべく早く受けるために明け方の試験に望んだので、恐らく日本では一番最初に受けたんじゃないかなと思います(違ってたらごめんなさい)
なお、CKAD はまだベータリリースのため、今回の内容は基本的にはカリキュラムを元に書いています。
CKA は私が CyberAgent 内で最初に合格してから、かれこれ CyberAgent 内で 13 人にもなりましたが、CKAD はもっと人数が増えるんじゃないかなと思います。というのも、CKAD はその名前の通りアプリケーション開発者向けの試験となっており、Kubernetes クラスタの構築などインフラ的要素がほぼ無い印象でした。
CKAD のベータリリースを通知するメールが 4/25 の 4:19 に来ました。とりあえず公共交通機関は動いてなかったので、タクシーに飛び乗り、ワクワクしながら会社へ向いました。
途中 CKAD の登録できない問題に直面しましたが、
@CloudNativeFdn Register for the CKAD exam does not work.
— Johann Helbling (@jhelblinghh) April 24, 2018
@kaitlyn_barnard さんが即座に反応してくださったので、事なきを得ました。早く受けようとしていた方々も結構いたようで、何だか仲間意識が芽生えますね。
Please try this link: https://t.co/0rrddVtXBk. Let me know if you have any further issues.
— Kaitlyn Barnard (@kaitlyn_barnard) April 24, 2018
しかし、試験のスケジュール可能な時間が最短でも 24 時間後だったのをすっかり忘れていました。ということで結果的に試験は24時間後の明け方に受けることに。
CKAD 試験について
思い出話はこの辺にしておいて、CKAD 試験の話をしたいと思います。まず、Kubernetes の試験には下記の2種類があります。CKAは2017年の9〜10月にリリースされ、CKAD は2018年4月にベータリリースされました。
- CKA (Certified Kubernetes Administrator)
- CKAD (Certified Kubernetes Application Developer)
CKA (Certified Kubernetes Administrator) target
- Kubernetes クラスタの管理者向け
- 3 時間で 24 問(1 問あたり 7.5 分)
- API Resource に関する問題は少なめ
- クラスタの構築なども試験範囲に含まれる
CKAD (Certified Kubernetes Application Developer) target
- Kubernetes 環境上でのアプリケーション開発者向け
- 2 時間で 19 問(1 問あたり 6.3 分)
- API Resource に関する問題は多め(カリキュラム的により詳しい内容が出やすいのだとと思います)
CKA の試験範囲は下記のとおりですが、
- Installation, Configuration & Validation 12%
- Core Concepts 19%
- Networking 11%
- Scheduling 5%
- Security 12%
- Cluster Maintenance 11%
- Logging / Monitoring 5%
- Storage 7%
- Troubleshooting 10%
CKAD の試験範囲は下記の通りです。
- Core Concepts 13%
- Configuration 18%
- Multi-Container Pods 10%
- Observability 18%
- Pod Design 20%
- Services & Networking 13%
- State Persistence 8%
より詳細なカリキュラムも公開されていますので、詳しくは ここ を確認して下さい。
また、試験概要や FAQ は下記にまとまっています。
そして、最近から CKAD/CKA の試験でブラウジングできる対象が kubernetes.io 以下のドキュメントのみになりました。以前は自分でまとめたドキュメントや、Qiita などを見ることも可能だったのですが、変更されたようです。試験中に他のウェブサイトを見てしまうと、試験は不合格となってしまうようなので注意したほうが良さそうです。また、開いて良いタブは試験問題を含めずに 1 個までのようです。
Candidates may use their Chrome or Chromium browser to open one additional tab in order to access assets on the kubernetes.io domain assets for reference during the exam. No other tabs may be opened, no other sites may be navigated to, and only kubernetes.io assets may be accessed. The allowed sites above may contain links that point to external sites. It is the responsibility of the candidate not to click on any links that cause them to navigate to a domain that is not allowed.
My exam is passed?